Saturday, January 1, 2011

Two Things I Know to Do

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

Okay here goes.  I have declared 2011 to be the year of doing what I know. I have vast amounts of information but in some areas I have not been very good about applying that information.  This year I am walking (and blogging) through two of the most important ones. I blog to make myself accountable and I walk because these are things I really need to do.

Number one: HEALTH

What do I know about health, nutrition, and fitness? Tons. I have read so many books, tried so many plans. I've run a 10K, a half marathon, and a sprint triathalon. I have been a vegetarian for the last year. Oh yea - and I'm at least 40 pounds overweight. This part of my journey is going to be a before and after journey. Above is the before picture - 196.5 pounds according to the scale in my bathroom. My goal is to record my weekly journey to the health I KNOW I can have and add pictures each month. Hopefully we'll get to see the change together! So my plan? Eat well - for me this is no meat (I don't really like it), no dairy (doesn't really agree with me), and no junk food at least to start. The big question is why do I continue to consume things that make me feel terrible and look - well not like I'd like to look. At my age (45) I could easily give up, go for baggy clothes, and enjoy my potato chips. I just believe there is something better out there for me.

Okay Number Two: TESTIMONY

I have been a Christian for over 25 years. I believe that Jesus came to earth as a man, died on the cross for my sins, and rose again. I believe that there is a heaven and a hell and when I die I will go to heaven because I believe in Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him. I have spent the last two years seriously studying the bible and praying and I feel I know much about what God has for me to do and what He is in my life. HOWEVER because I KNOW these things doesn't mean that I am great at sharing them with others. I think it is sad that I hold these beliefs yet I don't share them with people in my life. My goal in this area is to become a doer of the word and begin to share with others what I believe to be the most important knowledge in the world. Again I will come back weekly to update how I have progressed in this area as well. So important, so vital. I am trusting for opportunities to converse with people and let His light shine through me instead of keeping it shut up in my room for my benefit only.

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

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